O.K. Video Weird Cop Buddies 8 Osmosis Jones

O.K. Video Weird Cop Buddies 8 Osmosis Jones

Stomach churning chicanery abounds in our final cop buddy film of the batch, Osmosis Jones. Osmosis Jones teams up with Drixenol to help prevent Frank DeTorre from kickstarting a new pandemic in this fiscally underappreciated wonder from 2001. Featuring in-grown toe-nails, fake eyelashes and salt and mayo covered eggs (a favorite of chimpanzees), this film nearly triggers the gag reflex for Ryan. Nathan had never seen it before and had a decent time thanks to the reteaming of Chris Elliott with Bill Murray. All this and ranting about the Oscars on this week’s cast.

 If you’d like to ask us anything or share a thought, @okvideopodcast on Twitter is one way, ryan@okvideo.ca is another (that’s an email address). Next week is our ranking episode.




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